czwartek, 20 grudnia 2018

Kaldur jako Aquaman w trzecim sezonie Young Justcie!

Podczas promocji trzeciego sezonu dało się zauważyć brak pierwszoligowych członków zespołu jakimi byli Kaldur i Marsjanki, jednak wraz z nadchodzącą premierą trzeciego sezonu i premierą Aquamana w kinach. Twórcy zdecydowali się udzielić kilku informacji o pomocniku króla Atlantydy i jego drodze  do zostania członkiem Ligi Sprawiedliwych oraz trzecim sezonie. 

Kaldur jako Aquaman

,,We established back in season 1 that King Orin was training Kaldur to take his place as Aquaman. Aquaman was also King of Atlantis, which to most people would be a full-time job, and yet he also had to be in the Justice League as Aquaman, which was a lot on his plate. His game plan was to train Kaldur’ahm to be the new Aquaman so he could go back to being King of Atlantis, which was plenty. What you’ll see in this season is that after everything that’s happened in season 1 and season 2, and the leadership qualities that Kaldur has shown, Orin looks at Kaldur and says, ‘You’re ready.’ It’s a pretty momentous year for him.”
Greg Wiesman o przygotowaniach Kaldura do roli Aquamana.

Wspomniał też o nowym filmie DC i pierwszych reakcjach na wprowadzenie Aqualada
,,Now that there’s an Aquaman movie out, everyone gets how that’s a cool viable character. Ten years ago, when we were developing this show, people were like, ‘Really, you want to include Aqualad?’ We thought we could create someone that could kick ass, and I think we’ve proved that.”  

“What’s great about those characters is they’re young characters who are now growing up in a world that is formed from our first two seasons. We really had a heck of an arc through our first two seasons. We explored how society viewed heroes, and how aliens came to Earth to harvest the metagene that powers many of the superheroes and villains. When we came back to start our third season, we were looking at this world we’ve created and watched grow through the first two seasons and we’re like, ‘Wow, this is a really scary Earth. What must it be like to grow up on this scary place that we’ve built up through 2 seasons?’ We decided to tell that story that through this new young group of characters who are growing up in this crazy, scary world, and they don’t know if they want to be heroes, they don’t know if they want to be  villains, they’re very much finding out who they are. They’re not part of a superhero establishment like our season 1 and 2 characters were. They’re figuring out their own way in the world.”

Brandon Vietti o pierwszych dwóch sezonach i wpływie wydarzeń z nich na zwykłych ludzi.  

“That slow build, that snowball rolling down the hill, is going to continue to build through season 3''The shot of Apokolips in the new title sequence gives a strong hint that the Fourth World stuff is gonna be even bigger in this season than seasons past. That doesn’t mean it does or doesn’t come to a head here, but in the January episodes you’ll see that build progressing with more glimpses of our favorite Fourth World characters. There will be the introduction of Forager to our group of new heroes, along with all the baggage he brings from New Genesis. It’s a big, long hill.”
Greg Wiesman o trzecim sezonie. 

Przy okazji twórcy zdradzili, że nieobecność Wally'ego będzie silnie odczuwalna w tym sezonie. Mając wpływ na innych członków zespołu oraz, że pojawi się jeszcze więcej postaci z komiksów Jacka Kirby'ego ,,Fourth World''

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